What is a Bosu Ball?

A Bosu Ball is a training device to improve your balance which is made of a half fitness ball attached to a flat surface. It stands for “both sides used” which means it can be used upside down.
I love using Bosu Ball in many of my fitness trainings because it allows me to incorporate an instability element into nearly any other exercise. The balance training can be extremely beneficial to their footwork so the way players move on court and use their bodyweight to hit the ball. Furthermore, Bosu Ball forces the person to use their deep stabilizer muscles to keep the right posture which effectively means they strengthen their core.
Accessories: two medicine balls and a tennis ball
Apart from the Bosu Ball I am also using two different medicine balls: a small 1 kg heavy ball and a bigger one that is 3 kg heavy. Medicine balls can come in many varieties of sizes and weights. When choosing a weight of the ball, pick a ball that is heavy enough to slow down your motion but light enough to keep the same control and accuracy of the movement.

A good tennis player has a good stability and balance!
Exercise 1
Squat and ankle touches
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 2
Leg lift and ankle touches
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 3
Split step jumps
5 sets of 10 reps
Exercise 4
Squat and knee high
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 5
Torso rotation and shoulder flexion
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 6
Lunges and torso rotations
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 7
Side lunges and alternating ball fly
3 sets of 20 reps
Exercise 8
Side lunges and torso rotations
3 sets of 20 reps
Exercise 9
Forward lunge and shoulder flexion
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 10
Inside-out forehand footwork
3 sets of 15 reps
Exercise 11
Cross step and open stance
3 sets of 1 min
Exercise 12
Side step and leg lift
3 sets of 1 min
Exercise 13
Squat and single-arm curl and overhead press
5 sets of 1 min
Exercise 14
Russian twist
3 sets of 1 min
Exercise 15
Weighted superman
1 set of 10 reps, hold 3-5 sec
Exercise 16
Alternating ball fly
3 sets of 1 min
Exercise 17
Overhead toss forward
3 sets of 15 reps
Exercise 18
Hip toss with torso rotation
3 sets of 20 reps
Exercise 19
Open stance and hip toss
3 sets of 1 minute