Two-handed backhand weight transfer and follow-through for beginner players

Gaby tennis fundamentals, tennis lessons for beginner players, two-handed backhand

Check out our tennis lesson to learn weight transfer in two-handed backhand.

In this tennis video, Javi gives a brief demonstration of how to transfer bodyweight forward in the execution of a two-handed backhand stroke to a beginner player. He also explains the correct follow-through which is the last stage in the execution of the shot.

To generate power in this shot, first, a player turns his upper body backwards with both hands holding the rackets. The objective of this twist is to charge the muscles with elastic energy. The second part is to uncoil the body forwards and start the forward motion of the racket towards the coming ball. In this way, the elastic energy is released in order to impact the ball with more power.

Transfer bodyweight forward

In biomechanics, the tennis two-handed backhand is a sequence of motions referred to as the 'kinetic chain' made up of the various body segments involved in this specific stroke. As the starting point of this chain, the legs are the 'launching pad' for the hitting motion. The energy is then released through a sequence of upward and forward body movement and rotations thus creating linear and angular momenta which consequently transfer power into the shot.

Check out our tennis lesson to learn weight transfer in two-handed backhand.

Linear momentum

  • develops through forces generated from the ground when steps are taken forward and bodyweight is transferred from the back leg to the front leg

Angular momentum

  • develops from ground reaction forces and tends to produce a sequence of body rotations: legs, hips, torso, shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and racket
We will tackle the concept of the kinetic chain in more detail in future tennis lessons for beginner players.

Terminate with a follow-through

Javi shows how to terminate the stroke by progressively reducing the speed of the racket after the impact. Both arms continue the rotational motion until the racket reaches the shoulder of the player’s dominant arm. At this moment both elbows should be seen lifted and away from the body making sure the racket head touches the player's back.

Key takeaways

Check out our tennis lesson to learn weight transfer in two-handed backhand.

The main learning points from this tennis lesson for beginners are:

  1. For a neutral stance, position yourself sideways.
  2. Swing the racket back holding it with two hands and stop before starting the forward motion.
  3. Begin the sequence of body rotations starting with the legs, followed by the hips, torso, shoulder, arm, forearm, wrists and racket.
  4. Keep your dominant elbow slightly extended and your non-dominant elbow close to your body.
  5. Finish the shot with the weight of the body on the front foot and slightly raise the back foot, with the racket over the shoulder touching your back.

Forward bodyweight transfer generates power in the backhand stroke!

In this video, Javi explains how to transfer bodyweight forward and how to do the right follow-through to finish the motion of a two-handed backhand stroke. In one simple exercise the player is practicing those concepts by hitting easy balls from the baseline.

Check out our tennis lesson to learn weight transfer in two-handed backhand.

Exercise 1

Transfer your bodyweight forward onto your dominant foot

3 sets of 15 balls